New Events at Mystical Bazaar
Accelerated Ascension © Activations
Toning and Encoding
Saturday August 8th from 10:00AM to 2:00PM
Mary Martin, Mystic, Illuminist
Guided Hands
Mystical Bazaar will Host the Guided Hands Accelerated Healings and Accelerated Ascensions through, toning, activations, encoding and more.
As you have come to re-member who you are and why you are here; this accelerated activation will help you create a space of freedom. We have traveled this journey now for eons of time, and in this awakening, we now have the ability to co-create the blending of the Oneness into “our” being.
During your 5 minute activation, your full body aura will be blended with the vibration of toning and activations from Source. As you begin to illuminate, your entire being receives the FLOW of electromagnetic light that will pulsate the cellular in body, mind, emotions and spirit. Whether it is an illness or dis-ease, an imbalance of mental, emotions or spirit that keeps you from moving forward, the acceleration activation will speed up and help you transform the stubborn toxic energy to be fully released. It is a FREE WILL that either prevents or allows; it is up to each individual to be ready to release and receive.
Each person will receive an alchemic formula of light, embodied from sacred geometry, the 4 elements, ancient symbols, octave toning and more. The formulation is received as you are ready. Once the alchemic formula is activated, it is a process determined on when YOU are ready to receive and begin the application to unfold. This alchemic formula also vibrates the Light Source Energy, admitting unlimited availability of your gifts. When healing has occurred, and balance arrived, the Oneness you obtain from Source is the potential of greatest self awareness, and full awakening to your soul’s life plan.
Cost: Donation
Walk – In (first come - first activated)
Walk – In (first come - first activated)
Just arrived at Mystical Bazaar
Libyan Gold Tektite is found only in a remote and inhospitable area of the Great Sand Sea of Egypt, near the Libyan border. The formation of this glass, because of its unusual composition has for long been considered as mysterious. Chemical analyses show that the glass is locally enriched in meteoritic elements. The only explanation for these observations is that Libyan Desert Glass results from a meteorite impact on a silica-rich target.Libyan Gold assists in creating a new life, manifesting your will on earth. Frees you from the past and reconnects you to your spiritual roots.
It helps restoring depleted life-force energy.